Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cooking Love-Hate Relationship

My blog this week is to reach out to Lori J Photography clients out there.  I know that each and every day you all might struggle with tackling certain tasks in our household.  Keeping the house clean, laundry, the kiddos, pets, juggling friends, family, and gatherings, OH I almost forgot the other family that you spend more time with WORK! Oh my gosh, who has time to plan a nice meal??  Maybe you do cook all the time but don't know what else to make.  Cooking is a BIG hot topic for my household. "What are we going to eat for dinner?" We shout as one of us stares looking into the fridge....like a magic meal is going to pop out and hit us in the face.  Ok so, I am sure that each and every one of us struggle with finding what to make for meals each week. Yes...yes??? Any takers? Well even if you don't want to comment on this blog, I know that it happens!

Life is so crazy that when we get home, we don't have the energy or maybe even the time to cook.  So in order to help out, I thought that we could all help each other. THANK YOU PINTEREST! I have created a Pinterest board that I use to help me pick out meals before I go shopping each week. 

If you would like to be added to the group so that you can help add your favorite meals for pinning, please send me an email with your email address or just follow my "Fast Food is for the Birds" Pinterest board.



1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea! We do the same thing in my house...too lol!
