Monday, April 30, 2012

Stay tuned for new photo posts! Traveling back home was great and I got a lot of great pictures. Too bad I haven't had time to blog about them yet. Wedding season has begun!

Monday, April 23, 2012

It was a great day to have my camera when walking around for lunch in downtown Denver. I love tulips, as I have mentioned before. The urban backdrop of Denver gave a new kick to spring. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

With technology, there are so many wonderful sites available for me to make the best products available for Lori J Photography clients. Go{4}Pro has been a fabulous option for seeking chick products as a photographer as well as her some feedback from clients and other photographers. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend was fabulous. It is nice to finally see tulips popping up everywhere. Easter is my favorite holiday. Reeses peanut butter eggs, good food, and quality time with friends, and phone calls to family makes the day so full of joy. I decided to grab my camera and snap some shots of the two items that I decided to throw into the mix of Easter. Jalapeno poppers and deviled eggs yummmy!!!!